Training Courses


Training Courses on Modeling Technology and Software Products


TLK-Thermo GmbH offers regular training courses on modeling technology, our in-house software products TIL, DaVE, and ClaRa+, as well as on vehicle air conditioning. In addition to the courses listed, we also offer customized training courses on our other software products (e.g. TISC). All training courses can also be booked flexibly as in-house training. We will be happy to send you further information or add you to our e-mail distribution list so that you will be regularly notified about new training dates in the future.

Course Dates



March 17 – 19, 2025, online

April 01 – 02, 2025, Braunschweig

May 12 – 14, 2025, online

June 24 – 25, 2025, Braunschweig

July 21 – 23, 2025, online

September 01 – 03, 2025, online

October 07 – 08, 2025, Braunschweig

November 03 – 05, 2025, online



March 20 – 21, 2025, online

April 03, 2025, Braunschweig

May 15 – 16, 2025, online

June 26, 2025, Braunschweig

July 24 – 25, 2025, online

September 04 – 05, 2025, online

October 09, 2025, Braunschweig

November 06 – 07, 2025, online

TIL Advanced


March 25, 2025, online

May 20, 2025, online

July 29, 2025, online

September 09, 2025, online

November 11, 2025, online

The Modelica and TIL training courses usually take place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CET). The TIL advanced training courses usually take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m..

Modelica Courses

Basics and In-Depth Training

Basics: Our Modelica course introduces the language concepts and mathematical basics of Modelica. Through many practical exercises, participants learn how to develop Modelica libraries and this knowledge can also be applied outside of thermodynamics. 


In-depth training: If you already have some basic knowledge but would like to better understand the numerical solution process in Modelica simulators and systematically analyze problems that arise, please contact us for an individual training date in Braunschweig. You can find dates for online training here.


Our partner companies TLK Energy in Aachen and LTX Simulation in Munich offer training courses on Modelica and Dymola in western and southern Germany, respectively. If you are interested, please contact them.

TIL Courses

Basics and In-Depth Training

Basics: The TIL training course is aimed at simulation and modeling experts with basic knowledge of the Modelica programming language. This course can be regarded as a continuation of the Modelica course.


In-depth training: If you already have experience with TIL but would like to learn systematic procedures to make working with TIL even more efficient (e.g. by identifying and eliminating simulation aborts or achieving shorter calculation times), please contact us for an individual training date in Braunschweig. You can find dates for online training here.


Our partner company TLK Energy in Aachen offers training courses for our in-house software TIL in western Germany. If you are interested, please contact them.

DaVE Courses

The Software and its Potential Applications

Our DaVE training course is designed for people who want to learn how to visualize their data in an efficient and physically meaningful way. In the course, which lasts several hours, we will introduce you to the extensive repertoire of tools in DaVE and apply them together using practical examples. Our goal is to show you how to use the basic settings and functions as well as different display variations so that you can develop ideas fitting your own requirements.


Dates for our DaVE training are available on request.

Vehicle Air Conditioning Course

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Climate Physiology

In our two-day training course on vehicle air conditioning (for conventional cars, electrified cars, buses, trains, aircraft, and ships), we will teach you the relevant basics of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and climate physiology. We offer this course in cooperation with the Institute of Thermodynamics at the TU Braunschweig.


The contents of the course include:

  • Airflow and heat flow in passenger compartments and the air conditioning circuit with its components
  • Different requirements for air conditioning in conventional cars, electrified cars, buses, trains, airplanes, and ships
  • Specific advantages and disadvantages of currently used refrigerants and their alternatives
  • Alternative air conditioning concepts, e.g. Peltier or sorption technology

Appointments for training on vehicle air conditioning are available upon request.

ClaRa+ Course

The Software and its Potential Applications

The ClaRa+ training course is aimed at people who are involved in the dynamic simulation of power engineering systems. Our software ClaRa+ can be used to model the dynamic behavior of power plant systems. The library contains a large number of components that can be used to simulate water-steam cycles and the exhaust gas path of pulverized coal-fired boilers and waste heat boilers.


In our three-day training course, we will introduce you to the ClaRa+ library so that you can then use it to build your own systems. Basic knowledge of the Modelica modeling language is a prerequisite for participation. We run this course in cooperation with XRG Simulation GmbH.


Appointments for our ClaRa+ training course are available upon request.


Your contact partner

If you have any questions on this topic, please contact:

Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Tegethoff

+49 / 531 / 390 76 - 11