MoBA Automation

MoBA Automation


Automation of Workflows

MoBA Automation enables our customers to automate individual workflows in the areas of simulation, measurement, and software development. It can be used to automate all tasks in the context of model and measurement data-supported development as well as the analysis and optimization of technical systems. In the context of software development, MoBA supports the automation of testing, integration, and deployment.

Software Package

Structure and Content

The basic MoBA Automation package consists of the core program with its graphical user interface, the MoBA Automation Scheduler, and the standard task library. In the basic version, workflows can be fully developed, defined, edited, and maintained in separate task libraries. The scheduler takes over the parallel execution and control of workflows on the user‘s computer. The results can be managed and archived via the graphical user interface.


With the MoBA Automation core program, users can automate their own processes. Many tasks are available for this in the standard task library provided. Alternatively, with a little programming experience, users can create their own tasks using Python code. Upon request, we develop easy-to-maintain workflows and input masks tailored to our customers´ individual development processes.

Ready-made workflows are available for certain applications, in some cases as add-on libraries. Using a graphical interface, our customers can add their data directly to these workflows and adapt them quickly and easily to their requirements.


For particularly computationally intensive processes, e.g. simulation parametric studies, we offer the MoBA Automation Joint Computing module, with which the tasks can be processed in a computer network. Important information for software and process developers: The MoBA Automation Scheduler for executing workflows can be integrated into the backend of your own software via a Python interface. Contact us for more information.

Figure 1: Graphical user interface of MoBA Automation


Shorter Development Time Thanks to Customized Automation

MoBA Automation reduces processing time when solving individual tasks in the areas of development, optimization, and analysis of technical systems and their components.

MoBA Automation offers the following advantages:

  • Time saving by automating recurring tasks

The automation of standard processes allows the user to focus on the important issues. Computing-intensive, parallelizable processes, such as simulation studies, can be processed with little effort via connected computers in the network or in the cloud. 

  • Full implementation of individual processes

External programs, e.g. Dymola, Matlab, or Microsoft Office applications, can be controlled by MoBA Automation. The extensive and powerful modules available free of charge in Python enable the convenient implementation of any project requirement.

  • Fast implementation of individual processes

Individual process steps can be mapped using the extensive TLK Standard Task Library. Programming experience is not required. For individual requirements, Python code for existing tasks can be modified or new tasks developed. In this context, the integration of all available Python modules is possible.

  • Implementation of individual graphical user interfaces

MoBA Automation supports the implementation of individual graphical user interfaces or input masks for parameterizing your own workflows.

  • Standardization, documentation, maintenance, and reproducibility 

Automation projects can be easily transferred to other computers and are therefore also suitable for standardizing processes. This enables the documentation and archiving of project workflows, making them traceable and reproducible. Tasks can be transferred within a project team without any significant handover process.

If you would like to find out how your workflow can be automated in MoBA Automation, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.

Add-ons and Application Examples

Automation of Simulation, Measurement, and Software Development

MoBA Automation can be used to automate a wide range of tasks in the field of simulation, measurement, and software development. For some tasks, ready-made add-ons, or libraries with workflows, are already available.


MoBA Automation can be used in the following areas, among others:

  • Simulation studies with Dymola, Matlab/Simulink, or TLK Simulator
  • Data visualization, e.g. in DaVE
  • Report generation in PowerPoint or PDF 
  • Comprehensive data processing
  • Model reduction (AddOn Model Reduction)
  • Parameter estimation (AddOn Optimization)
  • Topology optimization (AddOn Optimization)
  • Control Oriented Analysis (AddOn Control Oriented Analysis)
  • Model validation (AddOn Data Comparison)
  • Measurement data evaluation and analysis (AddOn Measurement)
  • Testing of model environments (AddOn Regression Test)

Is your application missing from the examples? Contact us!

Development of Custom Workflows

Procedure for the Efficient Automation of Workflows with MoBA Automation

To automate your own process with MoBA Automation, it must first be divided into subtasks. Each task (Python script) is created in MoBA Automation and adapted to the (sub)task to be completed. MoBA Automation already contains many ready-made tasks (TLK Task Library), which can be adapted and used directly in just a few steps. The generated tasks are arranged and linked to each other via the graphical user interface. The links create data connections between the individual tasks in order to transfer necessary information. The user can individually define which information is exchanged between the tasks depending on the workflow. Parameterizing and linking the tasks is very easy thanks to the graphical user interface of MoBA Automation. For example, the flow of information between the tasks is configured graphically using connecting lines. The graphical user interface and ready-made parameter fields significantly reduce the amount of programming required and the possibility for errors. Users with even a little programming experience have the option of changing the program code. This allows more freedom to configure individual tasks. The automated workflow can be executed on your own computer, an existing computer network, or in the cloud. The parallelized calculation of processes allows results to be generated quickly and efficiently.


Your contact partner

If you have any questions about the software, test licenses or to arrange a demo appointment, please contact:

Dr.-Ing. Philipp Ebeling

+49 / 531 / 390 76 - 260