Newsletter December 2024
TLK Review of the Year 2024
Dear Sir or Madam,
There have been some exciting developments at TLK this year, which we would like to share with you in our newsletter. If you would like to keep up to date with our activities on a more regular basis, please follow us on LinkedIn.
TLK Conferences and Technical Papers
Our colleagues once again shared their expertise at various conferences and in journal articles (e.g. on membrane humidifiers) this year. In addition to the third edition of ThermoSim, we were also represented at the German Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, the 13th VDI Conference on Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles, and ModVal. The broad spectrum of topics covered by our presentations ranged from fast-calculating refrigeration cycles and ageing of PEM fuel cells to automated and virtualized testing of model libraries. An overview of our publications from 2024 and previous years can be found on our homepage.
TLK International
TLK-Thermo's international activities have been strengthened by the opening of our branch office in Gothenburg, Sweden. Lisa Busche is our local expert and contact person for questions or new project ideas. Her technical focus is on the field of hydrogen.
TLK Software Webinars
This year, we introduced our webinars on software news for our in-house software products with great success. In these, we present the most exciting new features of our latest software releases. We also provide an insight into the structure, function, and possible applications of our software products.
In case you missed the first webinars, we have summarized a selection of the new 2024 software features for you:
TIL Suite – Contact partner: Ingo Frohböse,
- New offset strip fin heat exchanger model as an alternative to a plate heat exchanger
- Validation tester for various heat exchanger types, e.g. MPET CO2 evaporator or condenser, for fast and simple comparison of simulation results with reference data
Modification of the variable definition in the geometry records for time-variable specification, control or optimization of geometry variables, e.g. a heat exchanger length
DaVE – Contact partner: Mario Schlickhoff,
- New TIL-Modelica import for the simple import of flow diagrams directly as P&I diagrams
New TIL evaluation templates for evaluating specific problems with one click
MoBA Automation – Contact partner: Philipp Ebeling,
- DaVE visualizations as part of the Ready2Use simulation study workflows for Dymola and FMUs with the option to export them as a report or in a PowerPoint presentation
- New MoBA programming interface (API) for the parameterization and execution of workflows with other software, e.g. Matlab or LabVIEW, via Python interface
New DataComparison workflow for simple comparison of two time series data sets with e.g. different variable names, units, or time resolutions
The versioning of TIL Suite has changed with the latest release 2024.1. It is now standardized for all software products and consists of the release year and the version number.
Thanks to the high level of interest, we will continue to host a webinar on the software releases twice a year. We are already looking forward to the next webinar at the beginning of May 2025. Further information on the free webinar will follow next year.
TLK Laboratory
In addition to software development and simulation services, progress was also made in our third area of expertise, the measurement of components and systems on our own test benches: New test benches for propane (R290) and CO2 (R744) were installed in our laboratory area, which now covers over 1500 m².
TLK Research and Development Projects
We are constantly expanding our expertise, partially through our own R&D projects. New approaches and ideas are constantly emerging from completed and ongoing projects, which we develop further in follow-up projects. In this context, 2024 was also a very successful year for us. Together with our respective partners, we were able to acquire funding for new projects and complete ongoing projects.
In 2024, we successfully completed the following R&D projects:
- PHyMoS – Proper Hybrid Models for Smarter Vehicles,
Contact partner: Henrik Schatz, DTI-Digital Twins – Digital twins for large-scale heat pumps and refrigeration,
Contact partner: Sven Försterling,
We started the following R&D projects in 2024, among others:
- OpenSCALING – Open standards for SCALable virtual engineerING and operation,
Contact partner: Andreas Varchmin, - DUPRO – Design environment and diagnostic system for batteries to minimize damage during thermal runaway and propagation,
Contact partner: Andreas Varchmin, ESPRIT – Enabler for diverse Simulation and Physical Rapid Iteration Trials, LuFo VI-3,
Contact partner: André Thüring,
We look forward to exciting developments and challenges next year. We would be happy to support you with our expertise in your new ideas and projects.
We would like to thank you for your trust and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
With best regards,
Willi Tegethoff and Niko Lemke